Thursday, June 08, 2006
Head lice are parasites that live in peoples hair. There movements throughout your head leaves it feeling itchy. Some lice suck and others chew; the human head louse is a sucking louse. Some lice are white and some are brown, they have short mouths called stylets, they use their stylets to stick into human's skelps. Head lice are very tiny, they are no bigger than the head of a pin. Adult head lice lay around 6 eggs every day, either one by one, or in a group. They produce a adehesive substance that sticks the eggs, or nits to hair. Human head lice survive off blood. They stick their stylets into the skelp of the human host and suck blood several times a day. The whole life of a head louse is only about a month long.
Monday, May 29, 2006
How To Treat Head Louse
A variety of pediculicidal treatments are available in the form of shampoos, cream rinses, and aerosols. Do exactly as the directions are stated on the package, and continuously check the base of the hair nest to the scalp.
Once this step has taken place you are to
brush the louse out with a fine toothed comb. This process should be thoroughly repeated as needed.
All pillows, hats toques, shirts etc. that was worn in and around the time of the infection must be placed in a deep freeze to kill off all the louse.
These items can be delt with on the other end of the spectrum as well, they can be placed in the wash machine under the hottest water condition available, and the put in the dryer afterwards in the hottest cycle offered.
Transmission Of Head Louse
Head lice have no wings, they can only crawl - so transmission comes only from direct contact with other infested people or their belongings. Indirect transmission can occur through sharing personal articles that come in contact with the scalp, such as hats, scarves, hair accessories, headgear, headphones.
Head Louse
Head Louse
Head lice also know as the scientific term Pediculus humanus capitis are by far the most commono form of lice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 6-12 million people in the United States are infested each year with head lice, and the numbers are
Children aged 3-10 years in preschool, elementary school, or daycare centers are most likely to have lice.
For the most of the cases girls are infected more than boys, for the fact that they tend to have more hair upon their heads which makes it accomidating for the louse.
Head louse stays with humans and won't infect dogs, cats or other animals.
Head Louse
Head lice also know as the scientific term Pediculus humanus capitis are by far the most commono form of lice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 6-12 million people in the United States are infested each year with head lice, and the numbers are
Children aged 3-10 years in preschool, elementary school, or daycare centers are most likely to have lice.
For the most of the cases girls are infected more than boys, for the fact that they tend to have more hair upon their heads which makes it accomidating for the louse.
Head louse stays with humans and won't infect dogs, cats or other animals.
Head Louse
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